Dr. Stephanie Oetting

Professor, Nursing


I have worked at University of Saint Francis since 1989 when I came to help develop the Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing Program. Since that time I have served the University in a variety of roles including faculty, BSN Program Director, Assistant Chairperson in Nursing, Director of Institutional Research, Associate Vice President of Institutional Research and Effectiveness. While each position has been a grand adventure of learning and building experience, I am most passionate about teaching.

Areas of Interest

  • Evidence-Based Practice, Nursing Research
  • Maternal-Child Health
  • Nursing Informatics and Analytics
  • Program Assessment and Evaluation
  • Change Theories and Frameworks

Selected Publications

  • Embree, J.L., Lyons, D.J., Adams, C., Heinzman, S., Swenty, C. & Oetting, S. (2022). Developing a statewide research compendium: Key points and steps for success. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 53(3), pp. 106-108.
  • Lyons, D. J., Adams, C., Embree, J. L., Heinzman, S., Oetting, S. & Swenty, C. (2021). Developing a Statewide Research Compendium. The Bulletin; Indiana, 47(2; Feb/March/April), p.10.
  • Rauch, S.A.M., Defever, E., Oetting, S., Graham-Bermann, S. A, & Seng, J. S. (2013). Optimism, coping, and posttraumatic stress severity in women in the childbearing year. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 5(1), pp. 77-83.
  • Bee, A., Legge, D., Meighan, M.M. & Oetting, S.  (1998).  Maternal role attainment.  In A. Marriner (Ed.), Nursing Theorists and Their Work.  St. Louis:  C.V. Mosby.
Dr. Stephanie Oetting