Title IX
In its employment practices, selection of students, and administration of all programs, the University of Saint Francis maintains a policy of non-discrimination regarding age, race, national origin, religion, sex, disability, genetics, and veteran status. The university has appointed the Vice President for Student Affairs to serve as the Title IX Coordinator to ensure compliance with all Title IX regulations.
It is a violation under Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 for any person to engage in discrimination or harassment based on several criteria, including sex. Anyone who believes that the university is not in compliance with Title IX and its regulations or wishes to discuss concerns or file an informal or formal complaint should contact the Vice President for Catholic Culture and Student Life ant Title IX Coordinator, Sr. Maria Gemma Salyer, OSF, at 260-399-8100 or msalyer@sf.edu.
If you are aware of a Title IX incident, please notify the University of Saint Francis through the Title IX Incident Report Form.
Access the complete Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy.
- Academic Minors
- Title IX