Dr. Carolyn Yoder

Chief Nursing Officer


Doctoral education focused on Systems Leadership coupled with a master’s education in Nursing Administration has equipped Yoder to navigate challenging times within the nursing profession. Her diverse background in staff development, nursing management, community education, and pediatric intensive care provide contexts to working collaboratively with different groups to achieve a common mission. She holds certification as a nurse educator and has published and presented nationally in her areas of interest. She is a member of the National League for Nursing and Sigma Theta Tau-Xi Nu. 

Areas of Interest

  • High-quality nursing education
  • Faculty development
  • Mentoring nurses

Selected Publications

Yoder, C.,Earle, M., & Deane, S. (2020). The Roundabout Model for Adjunct Clinical Nurse Faculty Retention. Nursing Education Perspectives: July 7, 2020 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue -doi: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000694

Selected Presentations

Yoder, C.  STOP Adjunct Clinical Faculty Turnover: A Structured Three-pronged Outcome Plan. National League for Nursing (NLN) Summit, Chicago, IL., September 2018 

Yoder, C., Carlin, C., & Deininger, R. Medication Safety: An Opportunity for Collaboration in Simulation. Quality, Safety, and Education in Nursing (QSEN) National Forum, Tucson, AZ, June 2012

Yoder, C., & Deininger, R. Mastering Safe Medication Administration. Quality, Safety, and Education in Nursing (QSEN) National Forum, Milwaukee, WI, June 2011