USF Music Instructor Featured in National Music Magazine

FORT WAYNE, Ind. — University of Saint Francis Music Technology Instructor Phil Schurger is featured in the winter print publication of national magazine JAZZIZ.
The magazine reviews his latest album release, Echoes of the Ancestors, which was mixed by USF Music Technology Assistant Professor Mark Everetts. Schurger released his album on September 29, 2017 at an album release party held in conjunction with a master class on the USF Robert Goldstine Performing Arts Center. “Echoes of the Ancestors” is an expression of dynamic journey through meditation. The group awakens the sensitivity of intuition and navigates the tides of consciousness, catching compositions as they arise in the currents of thought.
The award-winning JAZZIZ Magazine has been a leading industry magazine for more than three decades, publishing four quarterly print issues, 12 digital issues, eight audio CDs and more each year.
The “Echoes of the Ancestors” album and more information about Phil Schurger can be found online at
Founded in 1890 in the Catholic Franciscan tradition, the University of Saint Francis offers more than 70 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs through the School of Health Sciences, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Keith Busse School of Business and Entrepreneurial Leadership and School of Creative Arts. In addition to its traditional programs, USF designs focused curricula for working adults in Fort Wayne, Crown Point and online. In 2016, the University of Saint Francis expanded its presence to downtown Fort Wayne. USF Downtown houses the university’s business and music technology programs while offering enhanced internship and networking opportunities for students. The University of Saint Francis campus experience includes 16 athletic programs boasting two individual and four team NAIA national championships, and is recognized as an NAIA Five-Star Champion of Character institution. Approximately 2,300 students from a broad geographic region attend USF.