Services for Employers
Find Talent and Skills at Saint Francis
Employers in the region rely on the talent and skills provided by the University of Saint Francis community. Whether you are seeking Saint Francis students for internships or need to hire full-time or seasonal employees, we can support your hiring needs.

Why Hire a Saint Francis Graduate?
Our graduates bring a distinctive blend of knowledge, experience, and values to the workforce. Here’s why:
- They are educated in the liberal arts tradition, meaning they develop essential critical thinking, communication, and collaborative skills.
- They develop professional experience and demeanor through internships, co-ops, clinicals, and other forms of experiential learning.
- They are taught and mentored by expert faculty in small learning environments.
- Our Franciscan values are incorporated throughout their entire experience, giving them strong ethical guidelines and leadership training.
In short, they enter the workforce energized, informed, and fully prepared to contribute to a company’s success.
Post a Job
The Career Development Center utilizes Handshake for employers to advertise open internships and positions to Saint Francis students and alumni.
Interested in consulting with Saint Francis Career Development regarding further employment needs? Connect with us.
Internship Program
Saint Francis students make great interns. Thanks to our quality Catholic and Franciscan-value-based education, small class sizes, and expert, caring faculty, Saint Francis students develop personal and professional competencies so highly needed in the workplace today, including the ability to:
- Solve problems through critical thinking skills
- Research, document, and assess information
- Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing
- Work as part of a team
- Understand and utilize technology
- Engage professionally in a work environment
- Lead a team to professional goals
- Engage and connect with others across difference
Let Us Help You
Saint Francis Career Development will help you find the perfect candidate for your internship opportunities. Email our office (acdc@sf.edu) for information and advice.

Other Services for Employers:
- Lunch ‘n Learns
- On-Campus Employer Visits
- Academic Program Collaboration
- Mentorships
- Career and Internship Fairs
- Employer Site Visits
- Job Posting Services
- Social Media Postings
- Guest Speaker Opportunities
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Career Development Center Partner Program
Contact Us
Academic and Career Development Center
Pope John Paul II Center
Suite 210
Phone: 260-399-8065
Email: acdc@sf.edu
Monday – Friday:
8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
After-hour appointments are available upon request